Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Is texting making us bad writers?

The average American teen, you may not be shocked to discover, texts a lot: 3,339 messages per month, according to a recent Nielsen survey. 

Fact: Texting helps students read.

Fact: Texting boosts phonology.

Fact: Students know when not to text.

Fact: Texting is a fun way to play with words.

Fact: Inventing new textisms is creative.

Fact: Textisms have historical roots.

Fact: Texting does not distract students.

Texting in many ways help people to be more aware of spelling pronunciation and more. Many people view it as destroying the language and making children stupid. If you  research the subject though you'll find that its not hurting the language or children its helping it.
Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade-Virginia Heffernan

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