Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Education Needs a Digital Upgrade

Today most classrooms involve very little technology besides your occasional PowerPoint, projecting a laptop image, or computer class. Today technology is such a big part of everyday life and our education system should start using technology in a bigger way on a daily basis. The world is constantly changing and we need to keep up. Children today already grow up in their homes knowing how to use some form technology. So, why not continue that in the class room and teach them things they are going to need to know as they get older and technology continues to expand. I think people aren't incorporating technology into teaching for a few reasons... they are set in their ways and they are afraid it will ruin the children's minds. As Mrs. Davidson stated, "Pundits may be asking if the Internet is bad for our children’s mental development, but the better question is whether the form of learning and knowledge-making we are instilling in our children is useful to their future.”
In this video the children are using multiple different devices and programs to learn with technology. It shows me that these children have grown up with some form of technology and they learn how to use it easily. It also shows me that some schools are trying to incorporate technology on a bigger scale.
This article addresses the ever changing and growing technology in our world.It states the skills children need to learn today and how we can help them learn and grow with technology. As the writer states "We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years, yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world."

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